Monday, January 14, 2008

It's a Wiki Wiki World out there! (Discovery Exercise #19)

The Library Success: A best practices wiki and The Bull Run Library wiki were both fascinating. The Library Success wiki had so many different features which could be useful for library work, I will definietly be referring back to it in the future. (Maybe I should put it in my account!) The Bull Run wiki had a link to "the ultimate defintion of a librarian", a humorous wiki which, among other topics, discussses Librarian Super Powers and How to Vanquish A Librarian. (Here is the direct link if you want to check it out:

A few other wikis I have come across in the past year are:
"Created by the Webster Public Library Children's department staff members, the Children's Series Binder seeks to create a comprehensive listing of series books for children to help librarians, teachers, parents, and kids find the chronological and publication order of series books. "
Designed by an Oregon library, Instruction Wiki is "a collaboratively developed resource for librarians involved with or interested in instruction." Under Handouts, tutorials, and other resources to share, I found Library 2.0 in 15 minutes a day and University of Minnesota: Assignment Calculator along with many other helpful items.
This Reader's Advisory wiki was mention on the blog and contains "a categorized list of over 650 topics on what to read, linking directly to the Ask MetaFilter thread where the topic was discussed. There’s even a section about libraries." I agree with that this site still needs a bit of tweaking, but it does have potential as a future RA site.

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