Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Exercise #16- Del.icio.us

When I first looked at Del.icio.us, I thought "OK, I understand the concept and I suppose it could be useful, especially if you have a gazillion websites that you visit. But, personally I don't see the need for it. There are 12 items in the Favorites link on my home computer and five of those are libraries. Why would I want to put those Favorites in Del.icio.us and tag them? Isn't that just creating more work and duplicating another funtion on my computer?" But then, I created a Del.icio.us account and added a few websites. Now I have much better understanding of how Del.icio.us works and a better understandng of its potential.

If I listed all my favorite websites in Favorites on my home computer, I couldn't access the list if I was at work. (I don't own a laptop or a cell phone and I am not planning to lug my pre-Millenium desktop computer to work with me, so most of those favorite websites would be useless if I ever needed them away from home.) But, with Del.icio.us, I could access those websites almost anywhere that I have access to a computer and I could search for them by topic instead of by looking for them in folders or scrolling down an unorganized list. (How very non-librarian-like of me to have an unorganized list!) In any case, here is the link to my Del.icio.us entries, should you want to check them out:


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