Sunday, January 20, 2008

Discovery Exercise #21 (con't)

What a mess! I tried to send the post for Web Based Apps--Discovery Exercise #21 to this blog from Google Docs and it was posted to another blog I am trying to start! (I am positive I filled in the info correctly.) So then I had to go to to try and copy the post so I could paste it here in Chronicles of the Library Slayer and I couldn't do it! So then I went back to Google Docs thinking I could copy and paste the post from there, but realized I had deleted the document after I tried to post it on this blog. It took some time for me to figure out how to retrieve the document from the Google Docs trash can. Then, when I had finally posted the post, I went back to Little Pieces of Paper to delete the wayward post and some how (I honestly don't know how I did it!) I accidentally deleted the previous post for Discovery Exercise #20. So I had to start all over again creating another post for Discovery Exercise #20.
UGGHH! This whole process shouldn't have been this difficult! But, keep in mind, I was "on desk" again and was being interrupted by someone every 3 minutes (or it seemed). No sooner would I figure where I had gone wrong with the posts and what to do to correct them, then someone would ask me a question, I would forget what I was doing (with the posts) and have to start all over again. I finally gave up and decided to wait until later, when I wasn't working the reference desk.

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