Saturday, December 8, 2007

Week 4, Exercise 8--You Tube!!!

There are so many YouTube videos I could discuss here! Should I discuss the Angry Librarian by tv12673 and how not to answer a reference question? Should I chose the Adventures of Super Librarian by the Western Kentucky Libraries and compare that with New Jersey Public Libraries Super Librarian video? Or, what about Conan the Librarian or the Ninja Libraian (who, by the way, are both just little too violent for the Library Slayer)? Or, should I discuss Moebius Transformations by local U of M profs and newsmakers Douglas Arnold and Jonathan Rogness? But, then again, the Oscar Mayer bologna and the Oscar Mayer wiener commercials, along with Mikey and the Life cereal commercial, have been longtime favorites.

Perhaps I should just let you see for yourself which YouTube video I chose...

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