Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Discovery Exercise #11 RSS Feeds

When I first heard about RSS Feeds I decided I didn't like them and would never use them. They look so complicated. (Although I suspect that I may have been because I was viewing one in html.) But, after learning more about RSS feeds, I've decided they are not so bad. I even managed to set up a Bloglines account and add some good library related feeds. It took a bit of an effort to figure out. But, like anything new, once you practice a few times, it becomes easier.

I am hoping the feeds I added will help me to better monitor the library blogs I read. Previously, the blogs were all listed in a Word document and whenever I had the time, I would open the Word document, click on the link and read the blog or blogs on the Internet. Sometimes, I read new entries and sometimes, I reread old entries (not realizing they were old entries until after I had read them!).

How could SPPL take better advantage of RSS feeds? Take a look at Arbor District Library and Hennepin County Libraries for some ideas. Here are their links: and And while you are at it, check out this blog posting I stumbled across: . It lists the Top 25 Librarian bloggers. Is your blog on the list?

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