Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Week 3 Exercise 5 -- Flickr

The Libray Slayer has been a bit busy with the Halloween antics of her branch's younger patrons and hasn't had as much time as she would like to participate in SPPL's Learning 2.0. But, hey, I made it to Week Three! (This is where I would usually lose momentum or get bogged down in other Learning 2.0 programs I tried.)

Here's a photo from Flickr (courtesy of dobak):

I chose this because on the night that one of our more mischievous patrons set fire to the branch's outdoor trash can, I was across town tromping through the woods, practicing owl calls with my Master Naturalist class. So, which would you rather do: tromp through the dark woods hooting like an owl or put out a fire in a trash can?

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