Friday, November 30, 2007

Exercise #6 More Flickr fun

In an earlier post, I mentioned that findng the time to do the Learning 2.0 work would be the most difficult part of the program for me. That has certainly been true for the past couple weeks as I have been busy working on the capstone project for my Master Naturalist Program. In addition to "counting oak seedlings in an area of the nature center following buckthorn removal and controlled burns," I have been preparing my part of the group's powerpoint presentation.

While preparing that powerpoint presentation I accidentally learned how to do a mash-up. My intent was to show an aerial view of The Nature Center with the four 20 x 20 foot areas marked where we counted oak seedlings. It took alot of experimenting. When I finished, I showed the powerpoint to a group member who then said "Wow! Great Mashup!" My respsonse was a mix of "thanks!" and "huh??" (because I didn't realize at the time that I was creating a mashup!)
Alas, I cannot show you this mashup because I didn't save it as a jpg or gif (and blogger seems to require you to have on those formats to display an image.) I also haven't figured out how to upload ( or if you can upload) a powerpoint image or word document/image to a blog.

In any event, here are two trading cards I created with the help of Flickr and FD ToysTrading Card Maker. Enjoy!

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